U.S. home-price gains have restored $3.8 trillion of value to owners since the beginning of the real estate recovery in 2012, according to Federal Reserve data. ...
Clinching the decision was profit earned on stock investments during a five-year bull market that has restored $14 trillion to U.S. equity values. Dix is among millions of baby boomers whose retirement has helped push the participation rate of working Americans to lows not seen since the 1970s. ...
Turning 50 can be scary… besides becoming increasingly worried about your impending empty nest, the uphill battle to defy the effects of gravity, and getting called “ma’am” by just about everybody, you also start dreading mail deliveries and the arrival of your AARP senior discount card which, in your mind, means you’re officially “old.” Ick. But don’t toss that card and your newly-minted “senior” status out just yet. Yep, turns out, if you can just get over the unsexiness of the “senior discount,” there are actually plenty of reasons to get stoked about the milestone. Here are a few of the best: ...
There are actually several manufacturers who are now making simplified smartphones with features designed primarily for older users who have limited experience with modern gadgetry. ...
We’ve all heard the numbers: 10,000 baby boomers a day are turning 65, what used to be the traditional age for retirement. While not everyone can afford to or wants to retire on the big 6-5, there are a couple of things that seem to be universally on the minds of those as they near retirement… ...
The “sandwich generation” is more hard-pressed than ever to support both adult children and aging parents. ...
From Yahoo - Over 100 Scoopshot Users to be Paid for Capturing Soccer Spirit. Scoopshot the global leader in crowdsourced, mobile photo and video content, announced that the company will issue 18 photo assignments (tasks) to honor the soccer tournament taking place in Brazil. The tasks will be available to over 535,000 global Scoopshooters from 177 countries. ...
For decades, the retirement of the baby boom generation has been a looming economic threat. Now, it's no longer looming - it's here. ...
Unfortunately, you may have to raise some unpleasant issues when you speak with family members over the holidays if you want to ensure a successful retirement. Family issues are just about the only thing investors don’t plan for, and it could hurt them in retirement, a new Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Age Wave study shows. ...
While overall entrepreneurship in the U.S. is down, there has been an increase among boomers. ...