Santa Monica, CA – May 6, 2009 – Tune in to Best Boomer Towns new Talk Radio Show hosted by Nancy Shonka Padberg every Thursday at Noon PST and 3:00 pm EST on Voice America’s Variety Network
May 7 show highlights Tucson, AZ with guests Communication Executive and boomer, Monica Surfaro Spigelman and CEO Tucson Downtown Partnerhsip and boomer Glenn Lyons. On May 14 Athens, GA. is the focus with guests Athen’s CVB Director Chuck Jones, Keller William’s Realtor, Hank Bailey and Los Angeles Personal Trainer Deena Russo.
Best Boomer Towns website and Talk Radio Show on Voice America’s Variety Network provide retirement community information for the nation’s 78 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 (ages 45 – 63) that are beginning to retire and relocate in the United States. (AARP)
Hundreds of U.S. towns were narrowed to 21 unbiased best boomer towns to retire, key criteria includes: range of home prices, university access, airport convenience, active communities, state of the art hospitals, mild climates and abundant cultural activities.
Key website features include syndicated columnist Dr. Barton Goldsmith, best boomer town bloggers, town videos, local weather, daily news feeds, Amazon book store, tax information and Google maps. Featured columnists from Silver Planet, BoomersAbroad, Babyboomerknowledgecenter and Boomer Golf News write about retirement issues boomers are seeking.
Best Boomer Towns is headquartered in Santa Monica, CA. It is founded by former Los Angeles Times and advertising agency executive Nancy Shonka Padberg. She earned her MBA from Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management. Nancy is also a founding member of Boomer Authority.