Best Boomer Towns will now feature a Directory Listing for each of it’s 21 Towns. Each town features real time news, real time weather, podcast radio show, video, facts and stats. Now a Directory of new homes, active adult living communities and housing options will be available for the first time! Best Boomer Towns Website is based on the largest U.S. population, Baby Boomers, born between 1946 amd 1964, who will be leaving the workforce. Research is comprised from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, AARP, New York Times, Del Webb Survey, and U.S. World News Report. Based on the research, twenty-one towns have been selected in the United States that deliver the high standards that Baby Boomers expect when they relocate and retire. Key criteria for each town includes: Airport Access, University Presence, Good Hospitals, Social Opportunitities, Cultural Activities, Variety of housing costs, Mild Climates